Training courses: SOCET GXP®
All scheduled training courses held in our regional training centers are free for current GXP® customers and prospective* customers.
Classroom seating is limited, so please register in advance to secure your space. We regret that we are unable to accept walk‑in registrations.
*Subject to approval by GXP management.
Track 1 – SOCET GXP® Essentials [2 days]
Who should attend?
New customers (or approved potential customers) and image analysts who need to become familiar with the user interface, basic software concepts, and whose workflows do not include advanced annotations.
This course is the fundamental learning block for all other modules. It offers an overview of SOCET GXP functionality and product creation.
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following modules:
- SOCET GXP Essentials
- Product Creation
Topics include:
- Graphical user interface and basic components
- Preferences
- Loading and importing data
- Web Mapping Service
- Working with imagery
- Basic drawing tools
- Chipping
- Grid reference graphic
- Custom templates
- Comparison tools
- Registration
- Finishing Tool
- Terrain visualization
- Google Earth products
Track 2 – Mapping and Topography [5 days]
Who should attend?
Government geospatial or topographic analysts, and others with similar workflows.
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following modules:
- SOCET GXP Essentials
- Basic Feature Extraction
- Automatic Feature Extraction
- Stereo
- Ortho products
- Terrain generation and editing
Track 3 – Photogrammetric Workflows [5 days]
Who should attend?
SOCET SET customers who are transitioning workflows to SOCET GXP.
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following modules:
- SOCET GXP Essentials
- Stereo
- Triangulation
- Terrain generation and editing
- Ortho products
- Basic Feature Extraction
Track 4 – Remote Sensing [3 days]
Who should attend?
Full-spectrum geospatial-intelligence analysts and others with similar tasks.
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following:
- Essentials
- Product Creation
Track 5 – Basic Feature Extraction [3 days]
Who should attend?
Image analysts who work with advanced annotations, use Esri® software products, or create 3-D visual simulation products.
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following:
- Essentials – minus Registration
- Stereo
- Basic Feature Extraction
- 3-D Feature Extraction
- Automatic Feature Extraction
Track 6 – GXP InMotion™ Advanced [3 Days]
Who should attend?
Full Motion Video Analysts and ISR Mission Managers.
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following modules:
- SOCET GXP Basics
- GXP Xplorer® User Basics
- GXP Xplorer Administrator Basics
- GXP InMotion Server, Desktop Exploitation, and Product Generation
- Product Creation
Track 7 – SOCET GXP Python API [5 Days]
Who should attend?
Developers and users wishing to use Python to help automate workflows or connect SOCET GXP to third-party applications. Attendees should have a basic understanding of Python Scripting.
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following modules:
- SOCET GXP Essentials
Track 8 – Basic Terrain Extraction and Editing [3 Days]
Who should attend?
Course contents
This course is comprised of the following modules:
- Essentials – minus Registration
- Stereo
- Triangulation
- Terrain Extraction and Editing
Custom Classes
Don’t see the training you need when you need it?
Any combination of our SOCET GXP training modules can be assembled into a custom class to meet your individual training needs. See the Course Modules: SOCET GXP page for a list currently available modules. Custom classes can be scheduled for any of our four training centers.
Custom classes may also be scheduled at your location utilizing one of our mobile training kits. Scheduling a custom class at your site typically requires a few months advanced notice and is subject to the availability of a mobile training kit and a suitable venue at your location.
Contact our training coordinator for assistance in scheduling a custom SOCET GXP class.
Madison Eyer (US)
Training Coordinator
Office: 703 563 7539
Mobile: 571 328 1259
Training Info
Training Course Catalog
Questions About Training?
Contact our training coordinators for assistance:
Brian Roberts (US)
Training Manager
Office: 703 668 4052
Mobile: 703 342 9477
Madison Eyer (US)
Training Coordinator
Office: 703 563 7539
Mobile: 571 328 1259