Upgrade Entitlement (UE)

Introduction to UE

To maximize your success in using GXP® software, BAE Systems GXP offers a comprehensive software support program, called Upgrade Entitlement (UE).

UE is an added benefit offered to GXP Xplorer®, SOCET GXP®, SOCET SET®, GXP WebView®, and GXP InMotion™ users. A 90-day warranty is included with all GXP product license purchases and provides the same privileges as the UE program. To guarantee continued support, we highly recommended that you subscribe to the UE program before the end of the initial 90-day warranty period.

For additional details, please contact the GXP sales administrator or distributor in your region, or send an email to gxpsales@baesystems.com. If you already have a UE agreement in place, you should renew the agreement before the existing UE expires to avoid reinstatement charges.

Benefits of the GXP UE program

When you subscribe to the GXP UE program, you are entitled to receive current software and all subsequent updates. UE also includes unlimited customer support by phone, email, or fax so that technical issues can be addressed immediately to minimize downtime.

In addition, the MyGXP Customer Portal is a self-service reference for around-the-clock support. The customer portal offers access to exportable software builds, patches, and other critical product information at any time, worldwide. With the click of a button, you can update your profiles, manage support requests and email preferences, request license keys and software, and search the technical knowledgebase for quick answers to outstanding issues.

The GXP UE program includes:

  • Software patches
  • Software updates
  • Unlimited customer support
  • MyGXP Customer Portal access
  • Software training*
  • Focus groups
  • On-site training and support**
Learn more about Upgrade Entitlement >>

* All scheduled GXP product training courses held in our regional training centers are FREE for customers on current UE.

**Requires pre-authorization and approval by GXP director of customer support or vice president of sales, marketing, and customer support.

Contact Support

Our customer support team is available to serve you Monday through Friday. Please feel free to call or e-mail our support department.

24/7 Self-Service
MyGXP Customer Portal

Licensing Support E-mail

Product Support E-mail

Toll-free GXP Support
Tel 800 316 9643



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